WWWhatsup Nick Cave Red Pins

0931 nick cave
2/13/1998 - I made this in a rush to sell at the old ritz around 86

1499 nick cave red
2/14/1998 - this is a Better Badge from around 83 - the pin is redder than it looks here

1708 birthday party
4/22/1997 - this one also was made to sell at the old Ritz NYC late 80's

  • www.nickcave.co.uk
  • www.nickcave.net

  • Ross's www.bad-seed.org
  • Natasa's Nick Cave Online
  • Mute records Nick Cave
  • poptopix Nick Cave portal

  • Yahoo club Nick Cave
  • Nick Cave Online Nick Cave forum
  • bad-seed.org news

  • 3/30 /01 Live session on KCRW

  • Search Yahoo for Nick+Cave

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