WWWhatsup non-horse Pins

non-horse is the solo vehicle of Lucas from dufus.

2434 non-horse
10/28/02 - a headless wonder

2470 wwvv
6/21/04 - Wooden Wand and the Vanishing Voice tour pin

2550 bird again (non-horse)
3/2/05 - non-pegasus

2434b non-horse
3/2/05 - a reversed out headless wonder

2470b wwvv
8/17/05 - Wooden Wand and the Vanishing Voice tour #2 pin

  • Unicorn Sounds G. Lucas Crane Vs. Non-horse

  • 5/20/04 Derek Sajbel film of lucas talking about circuit bending (mp4)

  • Search Yahoo for non-horse
  • Search Yahoo for lucas+crane

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