WWWhatsup Half Seas Over Pins

A very good band from Louisville, Kentucky, who are featured in punkcast #133. We don't have a pin designas yet - but you can get a super set of three pins direct from the band as detailed below.

Half Seas Over - Mail Order Info
3 button set $2
inside pocket CD $5
5 song CD $6
shirt $6
All prices include US shipping
$$ payable to A. Bernier-Clarke
the hso hq
1107 s. hancock st.
louisville, ky 40203

  • email the band at half_seas_over@yahoo.com

  • Heartcore Records distro
  • stop & rewind distro

  • 8/4/01 Ann Arbor - a totally different UK band who used to be called Half Seas Over
  • 1/11/02 Turn Pale's got it in the inside pocket.
  • 6/1/02 A totally different band from Italy with the same name.

  • Search Yahoo for Half+Seas+Over

  • up | more pins | order